This year we are taking leading our rockers through a bespoke band recording experience!
Day 1 is held at The Old School, Ashley Green, where we our rockers will select their song, pick their positions and get tight as a band. We will be taking advantage of our awesome surroundings with some energy busting games in the garden throughout the day.
Day 2 is held at The White Hill Centre where we will have a full studio set up for our rockers to come in and lay down their tracks. We highly recommend sun glasses for optimum rock star points when recording in the booth!
After the camp is finished we will be mixing and mastering their tracks and sending over to our parents so you can hold your own debut listening party at home! Just make sure granny brings her ear defenders along :-P
£110 for both days
AUG 27th & AUG 28th
09:30AM - 3:00pm